Our LPO Sanctuary Campsites

At European Camping Group, we are convinced that outdoor tourism should go hand in hand with preserving biodiversity. For this reason, we have partnered with the French organization representing BirdLife International, the “Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux” (LPO), to take action to protect the environment. By setting up LPO shelters in several of our campsites, we aim not only to protect wildlife but also to raise public awareness about the surrounding biodiversity. This makes every stay an enriching and responsible experience.

Our actions for biodiversity:

Raising awareness and environmental education: We organize activities for our holidaymakers to increase awareness among all generations about the significance of biodiversity. Additionally, we offer educational materials about the local wildlife in our campsites, allowing our visitors to develop a deeper understanding of the species around them and the steps they can take to conserve them.

Ecological management of landscaped areas: We have modified our landscaping approach to promote greater biodiversity. This involves selecting local plant species adapted to the climate for new plantings, minimizing the use of chemical products on our sites, and creating flower meadows with late mowing practices to allow plants to flower and attract various species of insects and animals. Additionally, some of our campsites have chosen to use animals from their mini-farms for eco-pasturing to help maintain the green spaces.

Following up on our biodiversity action plans: The LPO conducts regular monitoring to evaluate biodiversity and the effectiveness of the actions implemented on our refuge campsites. Reports and recommendations are provided to further improve our environmental management practices.

The collaboration between Homair and the LPO is the result of the commitment of Sylvain Achard, who has been trained to coordinate the Biodiversity Collage workshop.