Our campsites are located in the heart of eco-rich natural environments. It is important to us that we preserve and increase the density of this vegetation, which is essential for the well-being of our holidaymakers and the planet.
Preservation: we take care to preserve and enhance the native tree species found on our campsites. In order to preserve each campsite’s natural features and to limit the impact of global warming, we decided to border each plot with hedges and small trees, which also protects our sites from soil erosion.
Maintenance: our employees and service providers are eco-respectful and regularly maintain the natural areas. What’s more, most of our campsites recycle their green waste, and we have installed, where possible, automatic watering systems to save water and minimise our environmental impact.
Enrichment: we continually aim to improve our holidaymakers’ quality of life and boost local biodiversity wherever necessary and appropriate. We are aware of the importance of selecting plants suited to specific land and weather conditions to obtain a harmonious, natural environment. Over the past 12 months, we are proud to have planted more than 5,000 trees, thereby contributing to the diversity of vegetation and the preservation of the environment.
These actions were undertaken by all our Works teams and our service providers.

“Our day-to-day tasks aim to preserve, maintain and enrich the natural areas of our campsites for a unique and sustainable outdoor holiday experience.”