Water Recycling from our Water Parks


The water parks at our Marvilla Parks and Tohapi campsites attract a large number of holidaymakers every year who want to enjoy swimming and the joys of water.

Since 2023, we have been incorporating a filtration water recycling solution into our renovated water parks. This innovative system makes it possible to reuse a large proportion of the water used to wash the filters in our pools, and enables us to achieve significant water savings: from 60% to 80% reduction in water consumption for the water parks concerned.

During the filter cleaning operation, which occurs several times a day, the water used for cleaning is collected and distributed into two tanks for separate uses:

  • Plant watering: The water collected at the start of the washing cycle is reused to water the green spaces on our campsites, after a decanting period.
  • Re-injection into the pools: Cleaner water from the end of the wash cycle is treated by an ultraviolet (UV) cleaning process and then reintroduced into the pools.

Meanwhile, since 2022, we have been monitoring water consumption weekly for all our sites. This enables us to quickly address any anomalies and identify best practices in our campsites that can be rolled out to other establishments.

A concrete commitment to the environment: These initiatives are part of our approach to environmental responsibility and contribute to the preservation of water resources, a major issue for the future of our territories.

These commitments are supported by the Marvilla Parks teams, represented by Jean-Claude Gueganno for the works and Olivier Coulet for monitoring water consumption.
